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Doing Business with Ireland

Customs House ©  Phil Behan

The Embassy works closely with the Irish State Agencies located in Canada to promote trade, tourism and inward investment.

Team Ireland

The Consulate in Vancouver works closely with the Irish State Agencies located in Canada as a Local Market Team to maximise opportunities for Irish business interests by:

  • Supporting Irish companies who want to access the Canadian market
  • Providing general advice on doing business locally and, through our network of contacts, pursue opportunities that will benefit Ireland
  • Working to secure market access for Irish products in key sectors
  • Promoting Ireland as a location for tourism and for investment

Business networks

The Embassy works closely with members of the in Canada to promote Irish business and economic interests through key contacts and business links.

We also work with an invaluable existing network within the Irish community in Canada and Ireland, such as the Ireland Canada Chamber of Commerce in Canada and the Ireland Canada Business Association in Ireland, who promote Irish business and economic interests through key contacts and business links.