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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Brazil website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at Ireland.ie/brasilia.

A taste of Irish culture - Gaelic Games come to Brazil!

Go Gaelic. Photo Credit: Tourism Ireland

The Go Gaelic team landed earlier this month in Brazil to present the Gaelic Games in schools in the cities of São Paulo, Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro. Go Gaelic is a company set up by two friends, Eoin Brennan and Eoin Vaughan, of Claire County, Ireland, and aims to educate people around the world about the cultural importance of hurling and Gaelic football.

Sports are a fundamental part of Ireland's identity and a source of national pride. The company explained to Brazilian students the history behind the games and its rules through a workshop with audio-visual content and interactive demonstrations.

Hurling is a sport that resembles hockey because it requires a bat and a ball to be played. However, the similarities end there. In hurling the ball is most of the time in the air, so hurling is considered the most skilful and fastest field game in the world, with the ball reaching a speed of 150 kilometers per hour. Gaelic Football, as its name suggests, is reminiscent of football that we Brazilians know well. It is also a field sport, the difference here is that the ball can be carried in the hands for up to four steps, and should then be thrown or kicked.

The workshops in São Paulo and Brasilia were a success and the next stop is the city of Rio de Janeiro. Go Gaelic will be in Brazil until the end of April.

For those interested in the work of the company, it is worth visiting the site www.gogaelic.ie to check videos and testimonies of people from various countries who have participated in the activities promoted by Go Gaelic.

Ireland is a country with unique wealth in culture, music, dance and literature, and sport is also a key part of this wealth. However, these are just some of the reasons to study or visit Ireland, so come find out more about education and tourism in our country!