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2017 News & Events

November 2017

27 November 2017

Ireland participates in the Congress of Internationalization and Professional and Technological Education in Uberaba

The Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the Triângulo Mineiro, in Uberaba, will hold from 27 to 29 November the Congress of Internationalization and Professional and Technological Education - ConInterEPT. The event aims to promote technical training, undergraduate and postgraduate courses and technology, focusing on innovative ideas for citizen training and sustainable development.

Irlanda participa do Congresso de Internacionalização e Educação Profissional e Tecnológica em Uberaba

O Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro, em Uberaba, realizará entre os dias 27 e 29 de novembro o Congresso de Internacionalização e Educação Profissional e Tecnológica – ConInterEPT. O evento tem como objetivo promover cursos de formação técnica, licenciaturas, pós-graduação e tecnologia com foco em ideias inovadoras de formação cidadã e do desenvolvimento sustentável.


31 October 2017

Halloween was born in Ireland

It all began with the Celts who then inhabited the island now known as Ireland. These people called Samhain the period of transition between late summer and the beginning of the long, cold nights of winter. For many, Samhain meant the return of the dead to the world of the mortals and for that reason great bonfires were lit to frighten the evil spirits. This ritual originally occurred based on the phases of the moon in early November.

O Halloween nasceu na Irlanda

Tudo começou com os povos Celtas que habitavam a ilha hoje conhecida como Irlanda. Esses povos chamavam de Samhain o período de transição entre o fim do verão e o início das noites longas e frias do inverno. Para muitos o Samhain significava a volta dos mortos ao mundo dos mortais e por isso grandes fogueiras eram acesas para espantar os maus espíritos. Este ritual ocorria originalmente com base nas fases da lua do início de novembro.

September 2017

22 September 2017

São Paulo hosts event focused entirely on Ireland / São Paulo recebe neste sábado evento inteiramente focado na Irlanda

The E-Dublin website, voted four times the best cultural exchange blog in the world, promotes on Saturday (23/09) the E-Dublin XP event in São Paulo. The event, focused entirely on Ireland, will feature lectures, interactive experiences, exhibitors as well as Irish music and dance performances.

O site E-Dublin, eleito quatro vezes o melhor blog de intercâmbio do mundo, promove neste sábado (23/09) o E-Dublin XP. O evento, inteiramente focado na Irlanda, contará com palestras, experiências interativas, expositores e ainda apresentações de música e dança típicas irlandesas.

August 2017

23 August 2017

Bray hosts event to celebrate Brazilian culture

This Sunday, August 27th, Bray will host the second edition of the Brazil Meets Bray event, promoted by the collective Tres Brazilian Cultural Centre.

Bray recebe evento para celebrar a cultura brasileira

Neste domingo, dia 27 de Agosto, acontecerá a 2ª edição do Brazil Meets Bray, na cidade de Bray no condado de Wicklow. O evento é promovido pelo centro Tres Brazilian Cultural Centre, que promve a cultura brasileira na Irlanda. 

July 2017

28 July 2017

Irish students secure medals at the International Mathematical Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro

Irish students Cillian Doherty and Anna Mustata were awarded two bronze medals at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO 2017) in Rio de Janeiro, the first held in Brazil.

14 July 2017

Cursos de inglês de qualidade - aproveite ao máximo seus estudos na Irlanda!

Quality English Language courses – make the most of your studies in Ireland!

June 2017

09 June 2017

Brazil celebrates James Joyce at Bloomsday

May 2017

17 May 2017

Award Winning Irish film to take part in the 13th European Film Festival

The award winning Irish film "Pavee Lackeen – The Traveller Girl" will participate in the 13th European Film Festival, taking place in May, June and July in various Brazilian cities.

15 May 2017

Government of Ireland International Education Scholarship scheme 2017/2018

The Government of Ireland International Education Scholarship scheme (GOIIES) has opened the 2017/2018 call. It is expected that a total of 60 scholarships will be funded from the HEA in the academic year 2017/2018.

03 May 2017

ICMPS funding - 2017/Financiamento ICMPs - 2017

Irish Aid In-Country Micro Projects Scheme (ICMPS) - Embassy Funding /Plano do Irish Aid (In-Country Micro Projects Scheme ICMPs) - Programa de Financiamento da Embaixada para Micro Projetos Locais

April 2017

17 April 2017

Um gosto da cultura Irlandesa - Os Jogos Gaélicos chegam ao Brasil!

A equipe da Go Gaelic, desembarcou no início deste mês no Brasil para apresentar os Jogos Gaélicos em escolas das cidades de São Paulo, Brasília e Rio de Janeiro. 

17 April 2017

A taste of Irish culture - Gaelic Games come to Brazil!

The Go Gaelic team landed earlier this month in Brazil to present the Gaelic Games in schools in the cities of São Paulo, Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro.

January 2017

20 January 2017

2016 Year in Review - Portuguese

Retrospectiva 2016 – Os destaques de nosso trabalho durante o ano

O Halloween nasceu na Irlanda

The Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the Triângulo Mineiro, in Uberaba, will hold from 27 to 29 November the Congress of Internationalization and Professional and Technological Education - ConInterEPT. The event aims to promote technical training, undergraduate and postgraduate courses and technology, focusing on innovative ideas for citizen training and sustainable development.