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Returning Irish Migrants Seminar

 Rae O'Connell (IACC), Roisin Trainor (ISA), the Consul General and Sarah Owen, Crosscare. Credit: Sarah Owen

22 July 2017

The Consulate was delighted to host an information seminar for people thinking of moving back to Ireland.

Organised by the Irish Support Agency in cooperation with the Irish Australian Chamber of Commerce, and delivered by Sarah Owen from Crosscare Migrant Project, the seminar covered a range of topics from visa requirements, to health insurance, housing and schooling to tax issues.

If you are thinking of moving back to Ireland, we recommend that you do as much research as you can in advance to ensure that your move back is a smooth as possible. Please consult our dedicated page here:  https://www.dfa.ie/irish-consulate/sydney/our-services/returning-to-ireland/