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The 150th birthday of poet WB Yeats

The Consulate General supported two events to celebrate the 150th birthday of poet WB Yeats

Yeats 2015

The Yeats2015 programme presented exhibitions, concerts, readings and other events in Ireland and across the world. Yeats2015 was an opportunity to celebrate and promote creativity in Ireland and to reconsider the role of culture, community and the arts in the contemporary world.

The Consulate supported two events in Sydney during June. 'Why Yeats Matters', a lively panel discussion chaired by Professor Ronan McDonald, was held at the University of New South Wales on 11 June. An exhibition on the life and works of Yeats was also debuted at this event.

On 13 June an afternoon of poetry and song was presented in the State Library of New South Wales. Claire Dunne, Irish-born actress, author and broadcaster, led the audience through the life of WB Yeats with a carefully chosen selection of poems and live musical accompaniment. You can listen to a recording of the entire event at the State Library by clicking play below:

For more information on the wider Yeats2015 programme and to access audio and video of some of Yeats' most well-known poetry please visit the dedicated Yeats2015 website.