Irish National Association Event
The Consulate General supported the launch of the Irish National Association's oral history project.
On 30th October, the Consulate General supported the launch of the Irish National Association's 100th anniversary oral history project, "Irish Memories/Sydney Lives", at Glebe Town Hall. The history was compiled by Dr. Richard Reid, formerly the senior curator for the National Museum's exhibition on the Irish in Australia, 'Not just Ned', and was based on interviews carried out with a wide range of older Irish immigrants and those of Irish heritage who have been members of the Association over the years.
The Consul General, Jane Connolly, underlined the importance of projects such as these as a way to recognise the huge contribution that Irish communities overseas have made to Ireland and their host countries. She also underlined the work the Irish government does to strengthen links with the Irish abroad including through the Emigrant Support Programme, the appointment of a Minister for Diaspora Affairs, the publication of a diaspora policy and the recent hosting of a Civic Forum for Irish community organisations.
More information on the Irish National Association and this oral history project is available at: