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Irish Film Festival in Sydney

Consul General of Ireland, Jane Connolly.

Jane Connolly, Consul-General of Ireland in Sydney, launched the Sydney Irish Film Festival at an event held in the Consulate-General. Reflecting on Ireland's inherent creativity and innovation, she spoke on how Ireland's global reputation in music, theatre, literature, and film had become a recent factor for IDA Ireland in attracting global investment, and on how Enterprise Ireland assists Irish companies to export innovative products across the world.

Introducing the line-up for the Film Festival, Dr Enda Murray spoke about how the festival will provide Australians with a window into contemporary Irish culture and society.

The Sydney Irish Film Festival begins on Thursday 26 March with a gala screening of The Stag and concludes on Sunday 29 March. Tickets are available from the festival's website: http://irishfilmfestival.com.au/

The Irish Film Festival in Sydney is proudly sponsored by the Consulate-General of Ireland in Sydney, Culture Ireland, and the Irish Film Institute.