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IACC Business Gala Awards

The inaugural Irish Australian Chamber of Commerce Business Awards

Consul General Jane Connolly presenting an awards at the IACC Business Gala Awards

With support from the Emigrant Support Programme, the Irish Australian Chamber of Commerce held their first Irish business awards in Parliament House, Sydney on 20 November. Awards were presented to best start-up, SME of the year, best established business, best international trader, young professional of the year and the People's Choice (by popular vote).

The Consul General, Jane Connolly, was delighted to present the People's Choice Award to The Traditional Fish Shop. In her remarks, she referenced the development of the Government's policy towards the Irish community abroad, Ireland's economic resurgence and the important role played by Irish businesses abroad. She also highlighted the number of women that were finalists for awards and underlined the important but often unrecognised role that Irish businesswomen play in the success of Irish companies abroad.

Further information on the Irish Australian Chamber of Commerce can be found at: www.irishchamber.com.au