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Please be advised that the Consulate General of Ireland, Boston website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Consulate website is now available at Ireland.ie/boston.

Visit to Boston by Mr. Charlie Flanagan TD, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade

Minister Charlie Flanagan visited Boston on 1 October. During his visit, he met Governor Patrick and State Senate President Therese Murray to discuss building on the already strong economic ties between Massachusetts and Ireland. The Minister briefed both of them on the peace process in Northern Ireland. He outlined the Irish government’s concerns for our undocumented citizens and comprehensive immigration reform. He also visited the Irish International Immigrant Center. He met with Boston-based members of the Global Irish Network, representatives of the Irish American Partnership, American Ireland Fund, Irish Network Boston and the Boston Irish Business Association.

Minister Flanagan presents Dr. Molly Sheedy with a Certificate of Irish Heritage in recognition of her long service to the cause of reconciliation on the island of Ireland.

At the Consulate General of Ireland, he presented Dr. Molly Sheedy with a Certificate of Irish Heritage in recognition of her long service to the cause of reconciliation on the island of Ireland.